We help B2B companies create new categories

So they can build a content flywheel that drives demand, impacts pipeline,
and helps you win on brand.

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Design a new category + Strategic narrative that sells for you

Incremental changes to your current category lead to forever competing on features, pricing, and short-lived tactics. It’s a race to the bottom – chasing the same demand every competitor of yours is chasing.

We help B2B brands design the strategy and the language that educates customers on why you’re new and different. It’s not just a marketing message. It’s the category-defining story that guides what you build, how you go to market, how you interact with your customers and investors. When you do this well, it has a business-changing impact on your bottom line.

Tell your story with content that creates demand

Times have changed; the era of burning your reputation with cold calls and cold emails, hoping 1% becomes a “lead” and 1% of those converts in an endless sales cycle is long gone. Trade shows are out. PR is out. Even putting out mindless content won’t work. 

Instead, focus on the initiatives that create demand and are actually aligned to how B2B buyers buy – today, not 5-10 years ago. Scale word of mouth, referrals, community, and inbound by telling your story. Designing your new category, and then using content to change the market. You’re done chasing demand, create it and capture it so you can drive growth.

Tell your story with content that creates demand

Times have changed; the era of burning your reputation with cold calls and cold emails, hoping 1% becomes a “lead” and 1% of those converts in an endless sales cycle is long gone. Trade shows are out. PR is out. Even putting out mindless content won’t work. 

Instead, focus on the initiatives that create demand and are actually aligned to how B2B buyers buy – today, not 5-10 years ago. Scale word of mouth, referrals, community, and inbound by telling your story. Designing your new category, and then using content to change the market. You’re done chasing demand, create it and capture it so you can drive growth.

The North Star: Inbound revenue

Whatever you optimize for is what you will get. In a world where your competitors are chasing markets, doing inefficient outreach, and putting out misaligned content, creating a new category is not just a brand pay you can’t measure – it’s a directly oriented move to building a new untapped market you can conquer and achieve the final outcome: inbound revenue.

Other leading indicators we keep track of as we create demand are brand hours, social growth, site traffic, email subscribers, and highly-qualified MQLs. We also build the infrastructure to capture the demand we create so you don’t have a leaky bucket. 

The Difference

Category chasers:

  • You’re chasing demand in very competitive markets
  • You don’t really have a moat: everything you do can be copied quickly
  • CPAs rise and, at the same time, it’s a pricing rate to the bottom
  • Outbound is inefficient, inbound is unpredictable
  • You have a vision, but not a story. Stakeholders don’t immediately “get it.”

Category champions:

  • You’re creating demand on an abundant category you’ve designed and own
  • Your category, your brand and your story are defensible moats
  • Create demand with higher win rates, shorter sales cycles and lower CACs
  • Every other marketing initiative becomes more effective with a better story
  • Your story guides sales/marketing, fundraising, product, hiring... Stakeholders “get it.”

The Process

How we work with your team

In these engagements, we help CEOs and CMOs align around a high-level story that powers success—in sales, marketing, fundraising, product development and recruiting—by getting everyone on the same page about strategy and differentiation. We start with defining a strategic narrative and then designing your new category. This is a month-long project that involves customer interviews, proprietary workshops, and with clear business outcomes.

After category creation, we decide which content initiatives have the most probable path to success: blog and SEO, podcasting, CEO Thought Leadership, newsletter management and/or private community building. We embed with your team, leading demand strategy, execution and infrastructure. We concept and craft the content you need to tell your story, turn your category into a new movement to create demand, and make an impact on growth.

With the infrastructure for capturing the demand we create, we report to you weekly on the metrics that matter the most: inbound revenue and highly-qualified SQLs – while also sharing leading indicators on how the new category is resonating so we can iterate as needed. Once the initial content channels are set and thriving, we add new content initiatives to scale your growth. 

Let's get to work

We embed with your team, workshop your strategic narrative and design a new category. Then, we lead the strategy and execution for the content you need to tell your story. Hiring Influence Podium is like hiring a VP of Category Creation and the content creation team. We generally work with clients on the basis of a trusted referral, but we’re always eager to meet new friends.

Starting at $5,000/mo

This is what our clients say

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